If you can't see your goal you will never make it.
Ask any athlete and they will tell you the same thing. If you can't see yourself crossing the finish line ahead of the pack, or holding the winning medal you will never be good enough. The wisest man known on earth wrote in his book named Proverbs that "Without a vision the people will perish." (proverbs 29:18).Vision is essential for success, vision is the starting point.
This secret principle of "Vision" has never been fully understood. It isn't wishing or hoping. And it isn't just a mental picture. This principle of success is a much deeper rooted desire painted on the canvas of your mind's eye and seared into your heart. It is what you wake up every morning with and the last thing you think of at night. It's your banner. It's your long-term project. It is something that is so established in your mind that no one and nothing can deter you from it. Even through disappointments, failures, or setbacks you can see yourself winning, successful, standing in the winner's circle. You will know if you have vision if the people around you are both excited and scared for you when you talk about it.
Vision can be seen in children as they tell you with no hesitation that they are "superman" and go about "flying" in the house with a towel tied behind their back. They are so convinced that the parents watch carefully to make sure they don't try to fly off tall furniture, or balconies. My father told me the story of when he first saw the movie Mary Poppins. He went back to his grandfather's ranch and found a tractor umbrella. He climbed up to the top of the barn and jumped out of the second story hay door because he was convinced that he was going to fly like the lady in the movie. (Don't worry. He obviously survived.) The point is that he not only saw himself flying but actually took steps that could not be reversed to fulfill his vision. That is key.
As you read this there are many who will tell you that they a have a vision (some call them dreams). But the litmus test is found in their actions. Have they "put themselves out there"? Have they done anything outrageous, daring, or gutsy that affected their life in such a way that there is no turning back? If they have, then you may be looking at a future billionaire, astronaut, Gold medal winner, or president.
We all need vision to take us to the next level. Whether we like it or not, vision defines us. Where are you headed? What is your next level? The majority of people can only envision retirement at 55-60. That is the best they can dream. And one day they will enjoy their vision, but we can do so much more.
Here are some basic steps to follow to find your vision and make it a reality.
- Find out what it is that you want.
- Write it down.
- Meditative on it until you see it in your mind's eye.
- Write it down again with more detail.
- See yourself doing it, living it, enjoying it.
- Imagine every detail. (this may take weeks)
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