
Vacation Oriented

I've lived in many countries and in the majority of them I have seen a disturbing work ethic. It is distructive, unhealthy and leads people in a sence of unsatisfaction all the while masked as a normal and acceptable practice. It is the vacation-oriented work ethic.

You can see it in a simple form as weekend-oriented work. You can hear it in the movies or on TV when the actor says somehing like "I can't wait for Saturday" or "It's Wednesday, it's 'hump' day." refering to the middle of the week.

The essence of this narsasistic "ethic" is to reduce work into the necessary stepping stones to a achieve a personal gratification in form of a vacation, in other words an escape from the work.

What this does is make work a chore or a series chores that need to be done for the promised pleasure at the end. The problem is two-fold. The pleasure is never as good as how we imagined it, causing us to feel unsatisfied and leading us to question if we are working in the right field or doing the right thing in order to get our prize. Secondly, since we are focused on the weekend or vacation, our work suffers, weakening our possibility for future success and not satisfying the needs of those who depend on us..

Our focus should be service oriented. This positive, outward force benefits all those around it. Our satisfaction in serving can never be destroyed, and those we serve will find satisfaction in working with us. This focus puts a principle taught by our teacher, Jesus, into practice. ~Give and it shall be given to you~

Check yourself. Are you vacation or service oriented?

-- Posted while on the move


Overwhelmed by Twitter

I'm collecting a list of Twitter links for your use and working enjoyment.

URL Shortener that allows for tracking tr.im

URL Shortener that allows for tracking cli.gs (uses Google Analytics)

Post pictures on you twitter feed with trackable links pic.im (Linked to tr.im)

A site that creates a web 2.0 widget for your blog so it can be posted on other social networks Tell a Friend

I'll be adding more sites and tools as time goes on.Gabriel


I Should Wash Your Mind Out With Soap

You'd be surprised at what goes on in someone's mind. You would think they had no control over it. The majority of people allow things to enter and float through their mind like flotsam and jetsam on the open sea. They watch crap on TV, listen to junk on the radio, and read the news headlines on the internet all the while claiming to be "Open Minded". I have a word for you….STOP

I have friends that are very proud that they are open minded. When I ask them why would anyone be proud of that they answer that they would like to accept all new thoughts and ideas ‘cause they all have value. Well, frankly I have lost several of these open minded friends when I tell them that they are opening themselves up for mediocrity.

These friends don't want to be thought of as backwards or elitists. And in the back of their mind they hope that there are many roads to success. When in reality there isn't. Success is the reward of following a set of steps that are pursued with diligence and consistency. We don't have the luxury to be open minded, when it comes to values, leadership and our success.

Imagine a rocket ship whose fuel tank is "open minded". It would never be able to take off. It requires a closed tank and a small, single opening to propel it forward. What are a set of values when everyone's ideas are accepted as an "Accepted Value"? Nothing! And what would happen if the CEO of a company allowed himself to be moved by every Tom, Dick and Harry? Bankruptcy.

I was presented with an analogy once of a ship and its course. My friend asked me how does that ship get from port "A" to port "B"? I mentioned wind, a motor, and a map. And my friend answered something every interesting. He said that it also needed a captain that would -stay the course-!

When we allow ourselves an open mind we are allowing other ideas, thoughts and worries to compete against our goals, objectives, and dreams. I was astounded at the amount of negative press I heard the other night on the news. They reported that this business went down, and that business went "splat". They mentioned that so many people were out of a job, and that tomorrow they would no doubt be more looking for unemployment. No doubt, what they were reporting had actually happened. But why are they reporting it?

They aren't reporting it to build up the audience, nor to encourage them to reach their dreams. They are reporting dream busters, and hope smashers. And they want to get into your head. Don't let them!

Be alert to the things around you. Tighten your eye and ear filter. Don't let anything get in that might complete with your goals and dreams. And if you find yourself thinking of something that isn't in line with your goals and dreams then get it out ASAP. Take control of your mind and reach your dreams!

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