
Today Matters

Every day you wake up is the most important day of your life. Yesterday is gone and there is nothing that can be done about it. The errors that were made have certainly changed your future but it there is nothing that you can do today that will change what happened or didn’t happen yesterday. Tomorrow is yet to be determined. No matter how efficiently you plan or organize, the winds of chance have a way of modifying what we hope or expect tomorrow to be.

It is today that we have the greatest control over and to be more exact it is the very moment of “Now” that is the most malleable. What you do this very instant will put into motion a future that will benefit you or be your demise.

I’ll wait until that sinks in.

You might think that that statement is too drastic and practically unrealistic. But, in fact, it is a truth that needs to be understood. If you were to stop reading this article this instant you wouldn’t understand this secret that I have learned over years of work and life. You won’t be able to “Wow” your friends and family with this insight.

The majority of people understand and grasp the logic of what I wrote but the problem arises when you put this article away or set it down. What will you do with this insight? Will it remain as an interesting thought to be resurrected in a cocktail or boring business meeting or will you take it to heart and do something about it?

I like the movies where the protagonist has been told erroneously that he or she is going to die in a short period of time. They spend the rest of the movie living life to its fullest. They say what they want to say and do what they have always wanted to do. Then as the end of the movie draws near the doctor who had prematurely pronounced his death date apologizes and the protagonist is free again from the impending doom of his death.

The protagonist filled his every waking moment with life altering activities. He didn’t spend more time at work nor did he get another job. He did things with what he had. Just like every one of us can do.

Too many times we waste precious moments waiting for that special condition, whether it be more money, an opportunity, or more favorable conditions…it doesn’t matter. It is an illusion. It keeps us sitting down in front of the TV, behind a desk, letting people walk on us until our days dim and we are finally put to bed. We let death creep up on us.

Make today matter. Chance your actions and change your future.

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You Can Be As Successful

Over the next few years, as investments fail and gas prices fluctuate, people will be looking for additional steams of income. Some will work harder and attempt to pick up another shift, or work another job, while spending less time with their family. Other people will work smarter and increase the family income while spending the same time or more with their family.

I won't even ask you which on you would rather be. I think it's rather obvious.

I'm sure you have heard of working smarter not working harder. But do you really understand what that means? For a long time people smarter than me would sit me down and explain it. And even though what they said made sense I still didn't get it. They continued to prosper and go on long vacations while I worked harder than before at what I thought they were telling me. Eventually I would get tired and regrettably quit.

This vicious cycle went on for years until I finally realized what it was that they were telling me. It finally made sense...and I finally started to experience success.

The secret was looking into the future. I was only looking at what they were saying to me as it applied to that exact moment. In other words all I was hearing was what, do I do today to get what you have. Don't get me wrong. To have a proven system is gold but not understanding the system is a disaster. Let me explain it this way. Imagine going to a wheat farmer and asking him how he got hundreds of bushels of wheat that year. He would simply answer, "I sowed wheat". But if you were to take that and throw a handful of wheat into the ground tomorrow you wouldn't have anything. The system wasn't broken it just hadn't completed the cycle. So, let's say you return to the farmer and ask him again, but this time you ask his all the details. So he proceeds to tell you that he sowed several bushels of seed into his acres of land. He watered it, fertilized it and waited for the right time to harvest it.

Do you realize that it is possible for anyone of us to produce a harvest like that farmer? Do you realize that it is possible to reap a financial harvest like the millionaires on TV or in the movies? It is all about the seed, the land, the care, and the patience.

To know more visit: http://Successis.notlong.com

3 Steps to Success

I realize that this isn't what most of us what to hear. It would be more palatable to say success is who you know and the money in your pocket. Success is written in the stars or whispered to you by a lady leaning over a crystal ball. But that simply isn't the truth, although it is convenient. It allows us to pin our losses on other people or circumstances. I am sure we have all heard comments such as,

"I can't get a job there because I don't know anyone in the business." Or "If only I had -write in a sum of money- I would be happy."
It would seem, by those comments, that Success is based on many variables all of which are out of our grasp or control.

In reality, Success is defined as "the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors." (Dictionary.com) Success requires that we do our part. We must step out of the ordinary and commit ourselves to an action or a purpose. Imagine an athlete getting ready to run a race and he quits prematurely citing a lack of friends that could support him. Wouldn't that be silly? On the contrary, the athlete trains, his body and his mind prior to the race. And when the gun goes off he has committed himself to win, even before he has crossed the finish line.

What I see here are the three steps to success.

  1. Preparation
  2. Commitment
  3. Action.

    Preparation The Athlete doesn't appear on the track the day of the race. He has invested months or years prior to the race. He has prepared Mind, Spirit, and Body. (I'll write about that in a later article.)

    Commitment The Athlete has determined in his mind that there is no other outcome than victory. Have you leaned on a piece of furniture and have it collapse under you? If you had any less than all your weight on the furniture you could have helped stop your fall. But if all your whole weight were placed on the piece there was no way you weren't going to hit the floor. That's called commitment. It's called putting all your eggs in one basket, jumping in with two feet, eating the whole enchilada. It is the recipe for failure and for amazing success. A farmer when he sows his field doesn't sow half of his seed or even 80% of his seed. He sows all of his seed. That is what makes for a successful farm.

    The third step is Action. The Athlete has to leave the blocks. When that gun goes off he must put his preparation and commitment to the test. Imagine the Wright brothers getting the materials, alienating friends and family to build something that didn't fit within the concepts of reality at the time and leaving the plane in the warehouse. Can you see them now, sitting together looking at the plane and toasting to each other..."That's a great plane." "I know it will fly." "How great is that...we built the world's first airplane." then closing the door so that the plane wouldn't get damaged. NO! it took action to place those boys' invention on the map and change the world.

    They had to risk it all and actually fly it in order to be successful.

Your success is based on whatever it is in your life that you are willing to risk it all for.

Success Online and In your Life

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