
You Can Be As Successful

Over the next few years, as investments fail and gas prices fluctuate, people will be looking for additional steams of income. Some will work harder and attempt to pick up another shift, or work another job, while spending less time with their family. Other people will work smarter and increase the family income while spending the same time or more with their family.

I won't even ask you which on you would rather be. I think it's rather obvious.

I'm sure you have heard of working smarter not working harder. But do you really understand what that means? For a long time people smarter than me would sit me down and explain it. And even though what they said made sense I still didn't get it. They continued to prosper and go on long vacations while I worked harder than before at what I thought they were telling me. Eventually I would get tired and regrettably quit.

This vicious cycle went on for years until I finally realized what it was that they were telling me. It finally made sense...and I finally started to experience success.

The secret was looking into the future. I was only looking at what they were saying to me as it applied to that exact moment. In other words all I was hearing was what, do I do today to get what you have. Don't get me wrong. To have a proven system is gold but not understanding the system is a disaster. Let me explain it this way. Imagine going to a wheat farmer and asking him how he got hundreds of bushels of wheat that year. He would simply answer, "I sowed wheat". But if you were to take that and throw a handful of wheat into the ground tomorrow you wouldn't have anything. The system wasn't broken it just hadn't completed the cycle. So, let's say you return to the farmer and ask him again, but this time you ask his all the details. So he proceeds to tell you that he sowed several bushels of seed into his acres of land. He watered it, fertilized it and waited for the right time to harvest it.

Do you realize that it is possible for anyone of us to produce a harvest like that farmer? Do you realize that it is possible to reap a financial harvest like the millionaires on TV or in the movies? It is all about the seed, the land, the care, and the patience.

To know more visit: http://Successis.notlong.com


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