I've lived in many countries and in the majority of them I have seen a disturbing work ethic. It is distructive, unhealthy and leads people in a sence of unsatisfaction all the while masked as a normal and acceptable practice. It is the vacation-oriented work ethic.
You can see it in a simple form as weekend-oriented work. You can hear it in the movies or on TV when the actor says somehing like "I can't wait for Saturday" or "It's Wednesday, it's 'hump' day." refering to the middle of the week.
The essence of this narsasistic "ethic" is to reduce work into the necessary stepping stones to a achieve a personal gratification in form of a vacation, in other words an escape from the work.
What this does is make work a chore or a series chores that need to be done for the promised pleasure at the end. The problem is two-fold. The pleasure is never as good as how we imagined it, causing us to feel unsatisfied and leading us to question if we are working in the right field or doing the right thing in order to get our prize. Secondly, since we are focused on the weekend or vacation, our work suffers, weakening our possibility for future success and not satisfying the needs of those who depend on us..
Our focus should be service oriented. This positive, outward force benefits all those around it. Our satisfaction in serving can never be destroyed, and those we serve will find satisfaction in working with us. This focus puts a principle taught by our teacher, Jesus, into practice. ~Give and it shall be given to you~
Check yourself. Are you vacation or service oriented?
-- Posted while on the move
Vacation Oriented
Overwhelmed by Twitter
I'm collecting a list of Twitter links for your use and working enjoyment.
URL Shortener that allows for tracking tr.im
URL Shortener that allows for tracking cli.gs (uses Google Analytics)
Post pictures on you twitter feed with trackable links pic.im (Linked to tr.im)
A site that creates a web 2.0 widget for your blog so it can be posted on other social networks Tell a Friend
I'll be adding more sites and tools as time goes on.Gabriel
Labels: Blog, Blogging, tools, Twitter, web 2.0
Posted by Gabriel Grimes at Saturday, April 25, 2009 1 comments
I Should Wash Your Mind Out With Soap
You'd be surprised at what goes on in someone's mind. You would think they had no control over it. The majority of people allow things to enter and float through their mind like flotsam and jetsam on the open sea. They watch crap on TV, listen to junk on the radio, and read the news headlines on the internet all the while claiming to be "Open Minded". I have a word for you….STOP
I have friends that are very proud that they are open minded. When I ask them why would anyone be proud of that they answer that they would like to accept all new thoughts and ideas ‘cause they all have value. Well, frankly I have lost several of these open minded friends when I tell them that they are opening themselves up for mediocrity.
These friends don't want to be thought of as backwards or elitists. And in the back of their mind they hope that there are many roads to success. When in reality there isn't. Success is the reward of following a set of steps that are pursued with diligence and consistency. We don't have the luxury to be open minded, when it comes to values, leadership and our success.
Imagine a rocket ship whose fuel tank is "open minded". It would never be able to take off. It requires a closed tank and a small, single opening to propel it forward. What are a set of values when everyone's ideas are accepted as an "Accepted Value"? Nothing! And what would happen if the CEO of a company allowed himself to be moved by every Tom, Dick and Harry? Bankruptcy.
I was presented with an analogy once of a ship and its course. My friend asked me how does that ship get from port "A" to port "B"? I mentioned wind, a motor, and a map. And my friend answered something every interesting. He said that it also needed a captain that would -stay the course-!
When we allow ourselves an open mind we are allowing other ideas, thoughts and worries to compete against our goals, objectives, and dreams. I was astounded at the amount of negative press I heard the other night on the news. They reported that this business went down, and that business went "splat". They mentioned that so many people were out of a job, and that tomorrow they would no doubt be more looking for unemployment. No doubt, what they were reporting had actually happened. But why are they reporting it?They aren't reporting it to build up the audience, nor to encourage them to reach their dreams. They are reporting dream busters, and hope smashers. And they want to get into your head. Don't let them!
Be alert to the things around you. Tighten your eye and ear filter. Don't let anything get in that might complete with your goals and dreams. And if you find yourself thinking of something that isn't in line with your goals and dreams then get it out ASAP. Take control of your mind and reach your dreams!
Basics of Success
Be Proactive
To live a reactive life is to live waiting for something to happen in order for us to take the next step…to react. This is the typical lottery mentality, of waiting for that special moment, for that ship to come in, or that windfall to arrive. And I don't deny that those moments do come but they are few and far between. A successful person mustn't live reactively.
And if you were to look at these lottery moments you would see that after a momentary appearance of success the person falls into a deeper hole of failure, unless they have already instituted one of more of these foundations of success.
Make goals, and follow through. Set your eyes on things far ahead of you ad don't settle for second best.
Be A Leader
Help others find success. Help others on their journey. Initially you might find this a waste of time but in fact what you are doing is investing in your own future. No of us were born successful. We may have been born to a successfully family but that doesn't mean that we are automatically successful as well.
It takes the time and effort of someone else, in our lives, which propels us into the success we desire. Be that force in someone's life and you will see that what you sow you will reap.
Don't Let Fear Stop You
Fear is a daunting force that can make even the greatest men falter. As a police officer I was told from the first day in the academy "Don't hesitate.” When a person doubts (ie fears the outcome) and hesitates it does several things. It causes everyone else in the room to doubt you, and worst of all it causes you to double doubt yourself.
I am not advocating doing things haphazardly. Do your homework. Research the matter and make a decision. If the decision was the wrong one then there will be a time to reassess and correct. But if you fail to move you will sink in the water, and signal to those around you that you don't know what you are talking about.
Take Responsibility
Failure can be a building block if you aren't afraid of admitting them.
Edison failed more than he succeeded with the light bulb. But do we call him a failure? Of course not. I believe that the secret to his success was that he owned up to his failures. He wasn't afraid of failing or what others thought of him. On the contrary he took responsibility of them, and took them apart to identify what it was that produced the flaw in the light bulb design.
If you don't take responsibility you will stop trying.
Don't sit on your laurels…never stop moving forward
After Fear, I think Success is the greatest cause for failure. So many people who have achieved a form of success fail to continue or follow through. I believe that success is a continual journey. We will never truly reach the end, but we will continually build on our past accomplishments to reach higher levels.
In other words success is not passively achieved. Take the shark, for instance. It doesn't have a passive breathing system. It must continually move in order to force water past his gills in order to breath. If for what ever reason the shark were to be immobilized it would die. Success is the same way. We can't sit idly by and wait for it to happen, or for it to continue.
We must continue to look forward, accomplishing bigger and greater things.
Thanksgiving Proclamation
On this very special day, let’s follow suit and remember the greatness of our God, His Majesty, and His powerful but merciful hand.
Thank you God.
May He bless and keep you.
By the PRESIDENT of the United States Of America A PROCLAMATION
WHEREAS it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favour; and Whereas both Houfes of Congress have, by their joint committee, requefted me "to recommend to the people of the United States a DAY OF PUBLICK THANSGIVING and PRAYER, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to eftablifh a form of government for their safety and happiness:"
NOW THEREFORE, I do recommend and affign THURSDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH DAY of NOVEMBER next, to be devoted by the people of thefe States to the fervice of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our fincere and humble thanksfor His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the fignal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpofitions of His providence in the courfe and conclufion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have fince enjoyed;-- for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to eftablish Conftitutions of government for our fafety and happinefs, and particularly the national one now lately instituted;-- for the civil and religious liberty with which we are bleffed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffufing useful knowledge;-- and, in general, for all the great and various favours which He has been pleafed to confer upon us.
And also, that we may then unite in moft humbly offering our prayers and fupplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and befeech Him to pardon our national and other tranfgreffions;-- to enable us all, whether in publick or private ftations, to perform our feveral and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a bleffing to all the people by conftantly being a Government of wife, juft, and conftitutional laws, difcreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all fovereigns and nations (especially fuch as have shewn kindnefs unto us); and to blefs them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increafe of fcience among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind fuch a degree of temporal profperity as he alone knows to be beft.
GIVEN under my hand, at the city of New-York, the third day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand feven hundred and eighty-nine.
(signed) G. Washington
Source: The Massachusetts Centinel, Wednesday, October 14, 1789
Vision Failure
If you can't see your goal you will never make it.
Ask any athlete and they will tell you the same thing. If you can't see yourself crossing the finish line ahead of the pack, or holding the winning medal you will never be good enough. The wisest man known on earth wrote in his book named Proverbs that "Without a vision the people will perish." (proverbs 29:18).Vision is essential for success, vision is the starting point.
This secret principle of "Vision" has never been fully understood. It isn't wishing or hoping. And it isn't just a mental picture. This principle of success is a much deeper rooted desire painted on the canvas of your mind's eye and seared into your heart. It is what you wake up every morning with and the last thing you think of at night. It's your banner. It's your long-term project. It is something that is so established in your mind that no one and nothing can deter you from it. Even through disappointments, failures, or setbacks you can see yourself winning, successful, standing in the winner's circle. You will know if you have vision if the people around you are both excited and scared for you when you talk about it.
Vision can be seen in children as they tell you with no hesitation that they are "superman" and go about "flying" in the house with a towel tied behind their back. They are so convinced that the parents watch carefully to make sure they don't try to fly off tall furniture, or balconies. My father told me the story of when he first saw the movie Mary Poppins. He went back to his grandfather's ranch and found a tractor umbrella. He climbed up to the top of the barn and jumped out of the second story hay door because he was convinced that he was going to fly like the lady in the movie. (Don't worry. He obviously survived.) The point is that he not only saw himself flying but actually took steps that could not be reversed to fulfill his vision. That is key.
As you read this there are many who will tell you that they a have a vision (some call them dreams). But the litmus test is found in their actions. Have they "put themselves out there"? Have they done anything outrageous, daring, or gutsy that affected their life in such a way that there is no turning back? If they have, then you may be looking at a future billionaire, astronaut, Gold medal winner, or president.
We all need vision to take us to the next level. Whether we like it or not, vision defines us. Where are you headed? What is your next level? The majority of people can only envision retirement at 55-60. That is the best they can dream. And one day they will enjoy their vision, but we can do so much more.
Here are some basic steps to follow to find your vision and make it a reality.
- Find out what it is that you want.
- Write it down.
- Meditative on it until you see it in your mind's eye.
- Write it down again with more detail.
- See yourself doing it, living it, enjoying it.
- Imagine every detail. (this may take weeks)
Reset Your Counters
We have all heard the phrase "Nothing is certain but death and taxes," but it can't be further than the truth. In this world we are surrounded by negative people, harsh circumstances, rejection, and let's not forget about Murphy, who likes to show up uninvited at the last minute. The result of such a barrage, leaves more than just a bad taste in our mouths. It can turn us sour on an activity, a relationship, our dreams, and can even taint the way we see ourselves. These actions can lead to depression, sickness and even death. You see, it takes more than just a positive attitude. We need to reset our counters every day.
We all have internal counters that we aren't aware of. They go on every moment of our lives counting everything that happens to us. How many "no's" have you received since Kindergarten? How many "at-a-boy's", rejections, and much more are being recorded every moment? This puts an enormous strain on our success. It's a mountain that we must overcome each time we try to break out of our routine or box.
Have you noticed that a child believes that he can "do" anything? It doesn't matter what it is. He is fully convinced that he can ride a skateboard, or jump off the diving board, or pet the huge dog in the park without hesitation even if he has never done it before. It's because they don't have a mountain of "no's" they have to overcome. Their counters haven't reached those astronomical numbers that we have to face.
Our counters have a way of resetting themselves with time. Have you noticed that you can be on the phone with an annoying person, who pushes all your buttons, and can get you to lose your cool? When the next person calls you bite their head off, even if they ask a simple question. Your counter was full. The aggressions, attacks, and offenses the counters had recorded were at the highest level and you answered in kind. This is very common in marriages. The working spouse or spouses enter the "arena" with their counters at full count.
Another way to reset your counters is to not have them "on". When you are part of something greater, then the counters are "tricked" into believing that the "rejections" are not directed toward you. Think of a job where you have to call 1,000 people and ask them to join the company you are working for. The entire list may be full of "No's", but in the end you won't care because it really didn't matter. Your job was to call and offer them the switch, that's all. The "No's" were directed to the company. Special Note: When you connect to something universal or even Godly, you will be even greater off.
One other way to reset the counters is to be conscious of them. Realize that they exist and make an effort to forgive those people who have offended, rejected, or hurt you. Change your perspective on the events of your life and redefine them from a positive paradigm. If you had your business stolen from you or your house was destroyed by a disaster, then see the events as learning experiences.
These shifts in the way you see things have been the suggestions of motivational speakers for years. But now you understand what they are asking you to do. You need to reset your counter.
When we can face life's challenges with fresh eyes and with our counters at zero, we will be able to do anything.
Labels: Fear, Forgiveness, Life, Time Management
Posted by Gabriel Grimes at Sunday, November 23, 2008 0 comments